歐盟與塞席爾達成新漁業協定Atuna報導,歐盟官方代表與塞席爾達成新漁業協定,終結上月才公佈的臨時暫緩執行案。塞國天然資源部表示,歐洲執委會(The European Commission,EC)明年除了要為於塞昔爾水域作業的燒烤40艘漁船支付1,150萬美元執照管理費用外,另需與去年一樣按照2006年與2007年期間的超捕標準支付220萬美元的補償金。 上月有消息指出塞席爾漁業局無非是想藉由發照費賺取超過10%資源利益,而非現行的3%-5%。法整合負債國與西班牙在塞席爾首都維多利亞基地經營年捕約35萬公噸鮪魚的圍網船。鮪漁船這兩年來飽受西北印度洋資源逐漸枯竭,與屢遭索馬利亞日益猖獗海盜阻礙前往資源最豐富漁場作業之苦。(摘譯自Infofish Trade 室內設計News NO. 3/2009,16 February 2009 )AFRICASEYCHELLES EU FISHING VESSELS RESUME OPERATIONEuropean Union (EU) tuna boats have resumed fishing in the Seychelles’ tuna-rich waters after the EU 票貼officialsnegotiated a new licensing deal with the islands’ government, reports Atuna. The new deal ended temporarilysuspension enforced since last month.The European Commission (EC) will pay 酒店經紀Euro 9 million (US$ 11.5 million) in license fees for the operations of40 vessels in Seychelles waters over the next year, said official from the Ministry of Natural Resources. Besidesthis 澎湖民宿sum, the same as last year’s fee, the EU would pay Euros 1.7 million (US$ 2.2 million) in compensation forexcess catches during 2006 and 2007.Last month, a source at the Seychelles Fishing 汽車貸款Authority said the country wanted to earn more than 10% of theresource’s value through the license fee, rather than the current 3 to 5%. France and Spain both base purse-seinenet fleets in 澎湖民宿the Indian Ocean archipelago’s capital, Victoria, which handles about 350,000 MT of tuna a year.Tuna fleets have suffered two rough years as stocks in the northwestern Indian Ocean have 西服declined and Somalipirates have blocked access to some of the most lucrative fishing grounds. 

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